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Tips for IT specialists in job search
The war has been a significant challenge for many Ukrainian businesses, and many of them went bankrupt or had to lay off their employees....
Top 5 secrets about audit
Usually the word “audit” evokes not very positive associations. After all, people believe that after the audit, someone will be...
5 myths about information security
Information security is a priority for any organization. Unfortunately, the majority of companies forget about it. We have prepared for...
Implementations business intelligence for distribution company
One of our clients is a large retail and distribution company. One of the Owner's dreams was to have the only online corporate reporting...
Business intelligence
Every leader dreams of making decisions based on reliable numbers, not intuition. Typical questions and problems that leaders want to...
5 secrets: where to look for when hiring a professional IT director
Task of the IT director is to help the business to work efficiently, reduce the company's costs and increase profits. The CIO must...
Why is the IT audit service from CIOneer in great demand?
In the understanding of “old school” managers, IT audit is an analysis of only information systems, server and network infrastructure. If...
Tips for the recruiter: how to find CIO
Most recruiters face the challenge of finding and attracting a top-notch and successful CIO. We would like to share our experience,...
10 reasons of project failure
During our career, we witnessed the implementation of a large number of successful projects, we were fortunate to participate as a member...
How to build transparent IT for the business?
Any business owner is a pragmatic person who wants to get answers to the questions “right here and now". What were the sales yesterday...
IT Director as-a-service. Practical case
The position of any TOP manager supposes, first of all, the right order and organization of processes in his/her own Department that...
Benefits of IT audit
Business culture calls for periodic audits, including audits in the field of IT. There are 3 types of clients who order an audit: Clients...
IT outsourcing: what to consider before signing a contract
Majority of companies consider outsourcing of IT services and processes as a magic tool to solve all of the problems in IT. However most...
5 CEO mistakes when hiring a CIO
Over the past few years of communication and work with various companies, large and medium, we at «CIOneer» have observed how company...
5 steps to start the company's digital transformation
For companies whose owners are looking to the future, the question of the need for change has already been resolved. "Transform or die" -...
What to watch if you don’t understand anything
A focus on IT work has arisen recently quite often. We are talking about companies that worked for many years, as "worked." Or about...
Magic tablet: IT Director for rent
In everyday life and work, leased resources and services are common. They help in a short time to quickly and efficiently close emerging...
Are you dependent on your IT director?
In the modern world, almost any business is closely related to information technology and has a dependency on IT. Automation of business...
Reasonable optimization - conquers reason or instincts?
In times of crisis, the most pressing issue for business is survival in the current realities. The term «optimization» is increasingly...
Our spring cases
After several recent cases, we noticed that today in a crisis there are several categories of customers: for whom the crisis has become a...
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